Stage Managers Association Australia Ltd Logo

Launch of Stage Managers Association Australia Ltd

10 October 2021

Happy Stage Management Day 2021!

To celebrate, and with excitement and enthusiasm we would like to introduce you to Stage Managers Association Australia Ltd!

A supportive network for stage managers across the nation: for stage managers, by stage managers.   

Our vision is a connected, open and inclusive community of stage management practitioners that actively engage in, and have access to programs and initiatives for talent development; wellbeing and support; and to advocate best practice in all sectors and genres of our work across Australia.

Do you want to become a part of the community?  Becoming a member will not only connect you to other stage managers from around Australia, but by supporting the association as an inaugural member you will help us grow to provide future benefits to the industry. Inaugural members receive a discounted membership offer, available until 30 June 2022. 

Become a Professional Member, $50 for our first year (reduced from $75/year), if you are engaged in stage management roles as your paid occupation.

Become a Student Member, $15 for our first year (reduced from $30/year), if you are enrolled in a tertiary educational institute, TAFE or other registered vocational training organisation with an interest in stage management.

Become an Associate Member, $40 for our first year (reduced from $60/year), if you have previously been a stage manager, work with stage managers, or practice stage management in a non-professional environment (community theatre). 

Are you ready to be a part of something new? 

Sign up today!